160 monza single

hi from ducati dave a heart plee felt we have a burning desire to own a 160 monza junior not got much cash but im hoping to help someone clear out thier shed and give that pile of bits a new lease of life go on it deserves that at least we promise to love and cherish it ive put three back on the road in the distant past but sold them on as i didnt have a use for them oh the regrets now"""we have a need for a town bike and a 160 would fit the bill and keep us from riding something japanese ciao

Hi Dave,
If you do find anyone clearing out a shed full of singles, let me know too!
I’m always on the look out for stuff to support my racing (as well as road bikes).


don’t know if this is in your price range but a dealer is advertising a Monza Junior in need of restoration for sale in this month’s Classic Mechanics for £550. Being daft I left the magazine at work. I’ll get the details tomorrow.

Hi Dave,

spookily I’ve just bought a 160 Monza restoration project (and no, it’s not for sale). At least i now know where to come for help, advice and inspiration. Let me know if you track one down and we can support each other throught he traumatic restoration process :smiley:
