AGM update

There is a report in the next issue of Desmo on the AGM but I thought I would do a bit of an update here as well, thank you to all the members that turned up, without which the AGM cannot take place, we need at least 25 !!

A few changes to the CoM, Steve Benn takes over as club secretary, Ray Dudding as Public relations, Julie Reed was co-opted to events a few months ago, she is now official. Su Parrish who does a fantastic job with discounts, that post now becoming a CoM position, lastly a new position of Social Media secretary has gone to Colin Richards, he has that honour.

We are constructing a new website as the current one just does not do what we want, a shop will come first selling the clubs excellent regalia, the club will subsidise rallies this year by £10 per person, the respective Organiser will work out the way they will do it.

Look out for a questionnaire shortly, we just want some feedback as to what is wanted by our members, we are past 1500 now and need to cater for you, this is our club and it goes on because of you.
