Desmo 182

Just a gentle reminder that the copy deadline for Desmo 182 is 17th January. As I’m working to a tight schedule on this one, I can’t wait for ‘promised’ copy that hasn’t arrived by then.
There’s very few branch reports … :frowning:
All copy to

Ok, I’ll try to do a West Mids one tonight, we did a bowling night in November, I should be able to pad somting out with that? :wink:
Is the dead line tomorrow night?

Hi Kev,
That would be brilliant, any photos to go with it? Any events that your branch is attending this year? One branch has a very impressive itinery that will be published… :slight_smile:
Yes, tomorrow night is the cut-off as I have to start on the mag on Sunday …
Thanks again.

On it now!
Given an infinite number of monkeys and an infinite number of laptops…Ohh…