Yesterday [Saturday], I jumped on my bike, to see a sick friend in Hereford’s County Hospital. I have visited their home many times over the years and I know the A49 quite well. I remembered reading a tale in the Desmo Mag, about a bunch of guys who had a bite to eat in a cafe in Craven Arms. The name of Harry Tubs Cafe, didn’t stir my “little grey cells” at all, so I did a Google and it showed it behind the Texaco garage I had ridden past many a time. So this trip I pulled into the garage and sure enough there it was, plus three off roaders eating outside. So many thanks to Pete Curzon, [Brecon Butty], for his article. The bacon butty, coffee and the warm, was much appreciated.
Dave Hughes
Sounds like the start of a ‘Great Bikers café’s’ Desmo feature page!
Here’s another good spot for a ride out/breakfast or lunch/brunch break…
Louis Tea Rooms on the side of Kit Hill near Callington Cornwall, on a sunny Sunday morning/early afternoon it’s packed with wall to wall Classic (mostly) and modern bikes.
The roads in every direction are a treat to ride* and the views from the cafe and whilst riding the roads in the Tamar Vally are to die for!
I highly recommend this venue to everyone who rides/loves bikes.
Here’s a link:- … _Tea_Room/
I live about a 5 min’ ride from here and if any club member is down this way contact me, If I’m not already busy I’ll try and meet up with them.
- For 10 miles (in any direction) you can find roads like all of the best parts of the Isle of Man Mountain course, with views to match.
…and there’s hardly any Police around which I find a real bonus.
Steve R
Great idea - just send the reports - and maybe a piccie or two - to me and we’ll kick it off in issue 212
still waiting for reports …