DOCGB - Still waiting for membership....

Sorry for the intentionally attention grabbing headline, but I’m getting concerned. I paid for membership two months ago, and got a confirmation email to that effect (Graham Stoppani). Since then - I’ve heard nothing - no copy of Desmo, no confirmation of membership. I’ve tried sending mail to the orignator of that confirmation mail, no reply.

I do understand that it’s run on a voluntary basis, and am sympathetic to any overworked volunteers - but that doesn’t really explain the extraordinary lengthy delay in communications…

What’s going on?

Hello Mike.
Welcome to the club, sorry to hear you’re having trouble with your mebmbership, try e-mailing Frank Nolan who is the membership sec - (or phoneTel: 07977 939136 before 10pm)

Appreciated. Will do.


Hi Mike, if you can let me know how you paid I will get right on it, we are having PayPal problems with no notifications coming in protx is sorted (credit Card). e-mail me your address and contact details and I will get membership out to you this Friday. Sorry for the wait.

Martyn, Franks little helper !!

Hi Mike.
Sorry to hear about your problem. The cause of the missed communication is being difficult to track down, and all I can do is apologise IF it is our technology that has let you down.
I’m trying to establish the cause, which I hope will result in a more efficient service when sorted.

I’d suggest that you’ve got problems with your Email filters, for one thing… immediately after Kevins’ first reply I sent a mail to the listed personnel. Have had no reply. I’ve only just checked back here for the first time, and noted the additional replies.

I suspect my Emails are being filtered out. Have sent Martyn a PM.

Will endeavour to follow it up with a phone call in the next day or two.

All sorted now - got my pack through from Frank yesterday - thanks.

No proble, thanks for letting me know and frank of course !!