A friend of mine has a Monster 800 and she finds the clutch to be very heavy. It is a shame as she loves the bike but due to this problem cannot ride it for long before her hand is sore.
Any suggestions on the best way to make the clutch feel lighter?
Easiest thing is to take 2 springs off, at 180 degrees from each other. It’s unlikely to cause slip, but if it does the next stage is to change the master and/or slave cylinders.
But you could buy her a tennis ball so she can walk around/sit about squeezing it too build up her strength, an old Ducati Bevel racers dodge/practice.
When you hand her the ball you could tell her to “Man Up”.
The 800 is a wet clutch and is pretty light but subjectively to others, I would see how big her hand is and see if the span is an issue, maybe new levers ??