I was very interested to watch this episode but was very disappointed to see that only male owners were featured.
It would have been very nice to have seen female owners and riders on this documentary especially as the DOCGB was mentioned in credits and has now given the impression it is a male only club.
It was put together very last minute with emphasis on bikes not people, Ray, who organised had his daughter there who was interviewed but that piece unfortunately did not make the final cut.
Not wanting to sound belligerent but there were no Afro/Caribbean, Asian, Oriental, LGBT either it was what is was a Ducati motorcycle feature. I thought it was good to have a Ducati dedicated program.
To re-iterate Martyn’s point.
It was arranged at short notice. The original date was cancelled at 24-48 hrs notice. The second date was finalised with four days notice. It was on a Friday and only Monsters or singles were required.
Monster/singles owners with the ability to take a day off work and get to the Cotswolds at short notice still only gave us a handful of participants, so to expect to rope in a couple of ladies too was perhaps being a little ambitious.
As one who actually got to speak (for all of 9 seconds - yes I’m sad and I timed it!) I have some sympathy for those who travelled a lot further, gave more of their time and incurred greater expense (like Colin) and who never got a word broadcast.
And as a small part of an excellent overall programme, I’m glad the DOC were involved rather than any of the other clubs. I mean, if the emphasis was on Monsters, where were the UK Monster Club? Shows our strength really.
Why all the disappointment. I had a last minute chance to be there. Dropped everything. Incurred allot of cost stopping overnight to be there for 9 o’clock. Hardly featured in the programme. But to spend a full day with Henry and his team and DOCGB members was worth every penny. A great day to be a Ducatisti.
No issues no disappointment, well done Ray for an amazing day. Hope we get another invite.
I thoroughly enjoyed the programme and was excited to see so many DOCGB members had been able to respond to the short notice given by the programme. The published invite to my knowledge had no restrictions as to who could attend, well done to those members who gave up their time to be part of the programme and secure a significant media exposure for the club. Well done to Ray for getting it organised too. Wish I could of made it.