Hi and advice pls on Multistrada

Hello! I’m taken by a second hand 06 Multistrada. Would love to own a Ducati (after BMs, VFRs, Fazers, V-stroms etc) but am slightly concerned about the old image of reliability issues. I commute to London twice a week from Portsmouth and use a bike all year round - I also do one trip a year to the Continent. How reliable is the Multistrada? The one I’m interested in has only done 1700 miles. Are there any particular issues with this bike? I’m not very good mechanically! I would really appreciate any observations on the Multistrada as a reliable commuting tool. Cheers!

Sorry, meant to say that it’s a 620.

I would say perfect for the job, keep it service and it will be fine, at that mileage I would just buy it, I will be looking for a Multistrada myself next year, superb bike

hi timo, never had a multi but would like one someday as comfort is starting to say what i ride and multis certanly are comfy.
as for reliability my supersport has coverd nearly 30k miles and hasnt missed a beat in the last two and a half years. just cleaned regulary and serviced on the dot (and, if im honest between intervals too :unamused: ) milage wise.

Got one myself, just gone over 2000 miles on it and it’s sweet as a nut. Absolutely hasn’t missed a beat whatsoever and I have ridden in rain and everything. Had it since May and my only problem is what to buy next, the 1100 Multi or the Hypermotard…

For commuting the distance you want to do I would consider buying a nice 1100 version. I do a steady 70 mph at 5000rpm and there is plenty left obviously but for commuting that kind of distance I would go for the bigger engine.

I am over ijn Brighton if you want to come over and have a look at it, take it for a spin or something. Let us know. :slight_smile: