As I’ve just joined, I thought I’d post a couple of pics of my recently restored 175TS.
It’s a 1959, Italian version (dated by Mick Walker), which I’ve been working on a complete restoration of over the last few years, as and when time/money allows. There’s still a few things to do, including replacing the seat with the correct very, but in the meantime I’m trying to pile on some miles this summer to make both it and I are ready for the Moto Giro d’Italia next year.
I have to thank Brian Silver for stripping and check-in the crank, as well as arranging the rebore and both Nigel Lacey and Barry Jones at Lacey Ducati and Classic Ducati for the many spares! Nigel particularly, deserves praise for his patience in answering what must seem to be some daft questions to am expert like him, as well as his willingness to share his hard earned knowledge to help someone save another of these bikes.
Thanks very much, all the kind comments I’ve received make the time, money and hours in the garage seem worthwhile. Even better now I can actually ride it out in the sunshine
Yes ! It does look really good and probably a joy to ride , I have an unrestored 160ts moto trans . It should be grey and silver and seeing yours gives me some enthusiasm to get in the workshop and sort it .
I bought the bike as an unfinished project from the owner of an auto refinishing company called Panelwise near Bracknell, so most of the tinware was already pained when I got it. I just sprayed the headlamp shell and rear shocks etc.
Dont know if your aware , there is and artical featuring a bike like yours in it plus others , I think ? Classic bike . I have it delivered and cant remember the title.