New email addresses

I have just spoken to Keith re the DOC email system, and since migrating servers last weekend he has been having severe problems with the email accounts. Consequently, most of my ones are unusable at present. I have therefore made a decision to overhaul the setup completely.
Last night I set up a complete set of new email accounts for all COM members using a new domain set up as on one.Com’s servers, which is a free hosting service that just cost us a tenner set-up fee.
This does not affect the website, which still appears to be functioning OK. It is simply a vehicle for giving us an independent email setup on a different server with minimal disruption.
Effectively, all I have done is substitute .net for .org on all of the current addresses, and the relevant web pages have been amended to these new addresses, with “cloaked” links so that we should no longer have the spam issues that have plagued us for the last couple of years.
I emailed everyone individually last night, but this is a belt and braces approach sending this message through several channels.
I really need for everyone to set up their new account as soon as possible please so that I can upload the new revised web pages.
The current .org addresses have not been scrapped (yet) and will continue to work until I advise otherwise, but the intention is to switch to the .net addresses as a means to solving several problems, such as outages (like now!) and spam.
All you need to do is spend five minutes setting up the account and verifying it through outlook (or whatever email program you use) for the time being, but of course it can be used immediately.
In due course you will also need to check for contacts who send regular mail to the .org address and adjust it to .net one instead. If you have a look through your inbox and check for any automatic notifications that come to the .org address, that’s probably a good place to start. If any of them involve the DOC website, (like online payments for instance - though I’ve got that one covered) then let me know to be on the safe side as I may have forgotten some. Initially, any that have been forgotten will still come via addresses anyway, so no need to panic, but these will eventually be switched off.
Meanwhile, for urgent COM correspondence, I would recommend using this list, the new .net addresses, or the Forum, all of which are independent of the DOC’s servers and are functioning as they should.

The future’s bright - the future’s a lovely shade of green. Or am I colourblind?

I will get round to doing mine this week, if this does not work can I please suggest we outsource it, it costs about £50 per annum to get them professionally hosted and the band width will be much bigger to enable us to e-mail pictures.

I do not want all my .org and .net mails on at the same time, we can also lose a few, manchester@ and northernrally@ can be disabled as it is all me !!!

Point taken Martyn

These addresses ARE all “professionally hosted” on’s servers, not on Keith’s, so they are completely independent.

The cost was a nominal £10, so even better.

I’ve set up all of the addresses now, and am ready to publish all of the amended web pages so the new “spam-free” .net addresses can be used immediately. I have notified the web visitors that the new addresses will be effective 1st August, so I really do need everyone to get their systems set up by then. The .org adresses will be discontinued as soon as we are all set up ok, but as yet I haven’t had much feedback.

As far as duplications are concerned, that may be the case at the moment, but hasn’t always been so in the past. If you like I can combine yours into one, but that may be counter-productive if, like me, you prefer to use different addresses for different purposes.

More news to follow now my email is working again.

Great news, thanks Spaggy

I will send you Gavin’s (PR) e-mail address then he can set that one up, I will do it as the spam has gone down a lot, I am now not scared of turning it on !!!

Great news about getting them online as well.

We now have a facebook page which has got over 70 people in less than 1/2 a day !!! If any CoM member wants admin rights then let Gavin know.

AND, I may be buying a 750 Paso, my first Ducati which I liked a lot, another has come up for sale…

The first I knew about this was from an email from Jilly, to which I replied as follows:

Thanks for the info Jilly.

Just as a comment though, was anyone asked, or did anyone on the COM give authority, to start the site on behalf of the club? Also, has any thought been given as to who will maintain, update and/or monitor this site on behalf of the DOC, and take responsibilty for the content? It won’t be me as I don’t do these facetube things, and my attempt tonight to locate the site came up negative. Maybe because I am not a registered user of the site.
Just so I don’t waste my time doing things that others are obviously going to do on my behalf, do I still need to maintain the website, forum etc?
If so I would like to know what, exactly, will be the content and/or remit of the site owner, who does not appear to be a COM member, and how it is intended to interact with the DOCGB website.
Also, when Mr Scott-Brooker loses interest, who takes it on?

Won’t be seeing me there I’m afraid.


This post from Martyn appears to answer the first couple of points, but due to the all-pervasive nature of the web, my concerns remain over the question of content, who takes responsibility for it etc, what (if any) will be the linkage to the website proper, and who among the COM is going to take on an administrator role (clue - it won’t be me!) Sorry if my email response seemed a bit derogatory to Gavin Scott-Brooker, but I’ve never met him. Who is he? And who is going to run the MyBook, Twatter, MSN, Yoohoo etc etc etc spin-off groups?

I am sorry to say that the response to this major improvement in service has been poor to say the least. I know I didn’t give much notice, but as the whole excercise should only take about ten minutes to set up and will be a huge improvement, I am somewhat disappointed that we haven’t got at least all the COM on board by now.
One issue that has been raised is that the instructions show the IMAP server settings as "". The URL we are using is, so the IMAP server will show, for instance, as the IMAP server setting (NOT .com).
I’m trying to get this email system fixed once and for all, and not getting much help yet. In view of this I am going to change the notification on the web pages to the effect that this change will take effect on 1st September, by which time I hope that everyone will have their new address working.

Hi Spaggy,
That’s a more realistic time-scale for me at least!! As you know, I’m struggling to get time to get my new addresses sorted out, it hasn’t worked so well for me as yet - although 2 of us have had a go at setting it up! Your help would be appreciated …
I take it that our details on letter-headings, comp slips, cards etc will have to be changed too?
I will ensure that the correct info will be in Desmo 186!


Sorry if the Facebook has upset anybody !! I did speak to as many as I could, Spaggy I do not have your number, I think you do have to be registered to find the page, at the moment Gavin and myself are doing it and it is quite safe, our “friends” have multiplied in the few short days it has been open, it is another avenue to drive people to the website and join the club, it has brought two new members (paid) that knew nothing of us, most of the people on there are from Ducati Clubs worldwide, if we can get wifi at the Southern Rally then I will show everybody and I am sure you will agree it is a good thing, I also asure everybody that all the people looking after it are full paid up members.

Again, I am sorry if it upset anybody it was not the intention, I also will get my e-mails sorted out but have been very busy getting new house ready and I actually went for a ride this week end too !!!

Thanks for the update Martyn.

I am glad to see that there are responsible people looking after things. I was a bit pissed off because, as the one in general responsible for the DOC’s web presence, I would at least have expected to be informed, if not consulted. The same thing happened to Paul when some stickers were made up a year or so back without any reference to him whereas it would have been an ideal subject for the regalia sec to be involved with.

I think the message is that we should all think of others that would be affected when we embark upon these things.

Lastly, if anyone still has problems with setting up the email addresses, please give me a ring (01889 804564 - as shown on the website Contact Us and Desmo COM pages!) and I will gladly guide them through it. I sorted out Ian Rumbellow from scratch yesterday in less than half an hour. As a tip though, pay particular attention to the domain name, which is “” (not .org .com or dot anything else at all) and the outgoing server port, which must show 2525 for IMAP accounts (not 25 which is usual for pop3 mail). Following the set-up instructions I sent out should be straightforward, and they can be obtained for several different email programs (except for bloody AOL) from the link I gave to everyone.
If you still have problems, ring me, I don’t bite.

There are still several COM members who have not yet (apparently) set up their .net email addresses and verified them by responding to the message I have left in their inbox.
I trust everyone is now aware that all of the email addresses on the website have been changed to the new ones, so any incoming mail may be missed if you haven’t yet updated.
If anyone has a problem, please get in touch, it will help us all in the long run.

Just reading through some of the com threads to get up to speed and would like to comment on this…

Spaggy it was not my intention to undermine you as webmaster of DOCGB at all and I am sorry if you saw it that way or took offence. :blush:

The DOCGB face book site is just another way to both disseminate information outwards quickly and to draw people inwards towards the club. The “fans” of the DOCGB face book page are increasing in number all the time, and I can assure you that it is responsibly managed by me and Martyn who also has admin rights to it.

If any other members of the Com would like admin rights - please let me know (you will need to be registered on Facebook and also be a “fan” of the group.

It is not meant to substitute the Forum and DOCGB website - its just another media vehicle to promote the DOCGB.

And as for me, well i’ve been an ardent Ducati Fan since i first was an 851…Im a moderator on Ducatisti, and I organise all the rideouts for Ducati Manchester and run some of their PR, as well as setting up a project to run a DesmoDue Race bike… so i’d say i was quite keen, and unlikely to lose interest in the short term!!! :laughing:


Gav! :mrgreen: