New Website

I have finalised the proposed design of the new website except for the layout of the home page. I would like to add some small additional stuff like latest news, chairman’s blog, latest press release etc. These will be small items but will help to keep the home page current.

If you follow the link to the beta site from our current home page the links below should work. Those marked as “complete” have all the existing data migrated from the old site (with tweaks) and those marked as “in progress” are still having the content migrated:

Home - in progress
Memberzone Help - complete
Membership - page complete but online membership process being reviewed still
eDUCATIon - complete
Events - in progress
2013 Desmo Dates - in progress
2014 Desmo Dates - in progress - will be updated as and when dates are known
News - complete
Press Releases - in progress
Sports News - complete
Photo Gallery - in progress
Branches - in progress
All individual branch pages - complete
About us - page complete but needs some more content - Martyn can you provide some additional text?
Contact Us - complete
Club History - complete
Club Rules - complete

Predominately I have simply migrated content and tidied the layout but I would appreciate any feedback on stuff that we no longer need or that needs updating.

If anybody thinks we have a page that is not needed please let me know.

I will update the countdown on the page header once I have done the 2013 Desmo dates page

I would appreciate any feedback on the stuff done so far with any errors etc so that I can get these finalised and move on to the rest. Also interested in comments about overall layout.

I am trying to get all the non memberzone stuff finished within the next week and then I will do the memberzone stuff.

