The ST4S Sidecar

Mot day tomorrow, and we are on the road!

Nice one! All ready for Horsham Piazza Italia next year?

Mission accepted!

I shall look forward to seeing this in the IOM next month.
Getting in it though, I would need to be very, very drunk! In fact, almost as drunk as I was when I upset the Kwacker Triples Club. :blush:

First trip out!

[size=150]Looking good, but as Spaggy said you wouldn’t get me in the side car.
I can see the next project in the photo. How about a 999 and side car next![/size]

now there’s an idea … :astonished:

A Desmosedici was parked just down from the outfit, but when I mentioned putting a sidecar on it the owner just turned his back on me! :astonished:

I can’t understand why … :unamused: